Innovative, eco-friendly, and value-creating
industrial services for a more sustainable world

Who we are

Mawaad Environmental Services (MES) are a materials processing and resource recovery company, focused on creating value from a variety of byproducts, wastes and industrial services that are economical, profitable and eco-friendly.

Our business is Materials, hence the name Mawaad - مواد , owing to our regional roots in the Middle East and North Africa.

Our aim is to become the regional leader in resource recovery and circular economy services in the MENA region with a focus on the heavy industries


What we do

We utilize the latest technologies to implement circular economy and resource recovery projects to create the most value from industrial materials and byproducts.

Our focus is on heavy industries; where by-products and waste streams are plenty, rich in value, potential uses, and environmental benefits. Cross industry cooperation is the key to any successful circular economy model.

We analyze material, processing techniques and execute “cradle to cradle” solutions that are profitable, sustainable and beneficial to private and public stakeholders across the board.